The Dogs have a voice!
We have been told to wait our turn but we have got lots to say and we need our voices heard! The fluff box on the left of this picture is Monty and the cutie on the right is Louis. Apparently we were named after famous generals.Never mind what is going on all around the world with what they are calling this killer virus, our world has been turned on its head in recent months. We thought all was well but then it became apparent that Sally, our Mum, she who always thought she should be obeyed at all times was having a really bad time of things. She said she had no work and therefore no money. She said we were at serious risk of being homeless. We couldn't imagine that but clearly she could. Our lives just went on as normal; we still had our treats and walks and, of course, our food which she always used to prepare especially. Then one day she had been crying even more than usual and she shut us in our cages (which we don't mind - it's our private space and we often go in ther...